Thursday, October 14, 2010

2 months

Today marks my 63rd day in Norway....aka 2 months and 2 days. I think I'm finally getting a grasp on the Norwegian life. I am eating more bread and cheese than I ever imagined possible, I have finally mastered the art of eating food with a fork and knife, and I finally have my bus schedule memorized! Okay so thats not really the norwegian life, but whatever.
Not too much has happened since the last post. A lot of school, which by the way is getting better. I don't dread going to school THAT much anymore. I still don't understand a single thing that goes on at school unless someone explanes in english.. BUT, I have figured out how to pass the time and it usually happens in the following order:

  • Facebook stalk
  • Read blogs
  • Read sites such as lamebook and fail blog (usually results in me laughing and trying my hardest to keep quiet, which doesnt work well, and I usually feel really weird for laughing)
  • Write letters
  • doodle
  • and when I get bored of the internet, or feel ambitious, I break out my Norwegian workbook, and lean some Norwegian

Last week was Høstferien (fall break). YAY no school! YAY sleeping in! YAY being lazy! That pretty much sums up my week.

On the Thursday of Høstferien, I was invited to a party. It was a good time, and I met a lot of new people.

Something came up about my blog at the party, and all of the girls wanted to get a picture with me and make it on my blog. Vær så god jenter!

Last Saturday, Kurt and Gro (yes new names, they're my 3rd host parents. I've been staying with them for the past week, because my 1st host parents are in the US) took me to the Edvard Munch Museum

Edvard Munch is a Norweian artist most known for "The Scream" as seen below...

Note the awesome tourist photo.

I had a really great time there. I LOVED his work, and got a lot of inspriation from seeing it. Needless to say, Munch is now one of my favorite artists.

After the museum, I had my first IKEA experiance.... it was nothing like "500 Days of Summer" I was slightly disappointed. (if you don't know what I'm talking about, go watch "5oo Days of Summer", you wont regret it.)

In more recent news, today my religion teacher finally found out that 1. I am in her class, and 2. I'm an exchange student. I knew she didn't know I was an exchange student, but I didn't realize she didn't even know who I was. Today was the first time in 2 months of school that my name was on her attendence list. She got to the end of the list and I could tell she was confused about a name. She made a couple wierd faces and finally with a confused tone says "Deeeeviiiinn???" I just laughed and raised my hand. She then comes up to me and starts asking me something in Norwegian. At first I asked her to repeat just to see if I could possibly pass as a norwiegian, but I didn't understand a thing. So I use my best known Norwegian phrase "uuuuhhhh...Jeg snakke ikke Norsk" ("I don't speak Norwegian") After a couple seconds of shock she replies, "well... that's difficult" She then asks me if I have a book, and then left me alone for the rest of the class. I enjoied that a lot! :)

Thats pretty much all thats been happening lately.

1 comment:

  1. WOW I'm really impressed by your school. Sounds like oppegård vgs is a bunch of idiots!
