Monday, November 29, 2010

long time no blog..

Well.. it's been a month since I last posted, so I figured I should probably tend to my blog and give everyone an update on what has gone on. Looking back on my photos, I realize that a lot has happend in this past month, so get ready for a very long post.

We'll start with Halloween. For Halloween, I spent pretty much the entire day in the kitchen making an "American dinner" for my host family. I made chicken pot pie and apple pie. Dispite being the first time making both of them, they both turned out really good.

(here's the pie, it looks wierd, BUT it was good)

(middag! Andreas, my older host brother, and Christian, my host dad)

Also, Halloween Isn't as big of a deal here as it is in the states. I think there might have been a total off 10 kids who showed up at the door.

Winter has hit Norway, and it looks like it is going to stay for a while. It's SO cold here. Today it was 16°F. It's WAY too early for it to be that cold.. buuuut it's Norway, not Ohio. I never leave the house without gloves, a scarf, and a hat, and I often sit in class with my coat on. I'm starting to think that this "foreign exchange 15" that I'm suppost to gain will come in handy to keep me warm this winter. There is always ice on the sidewalks. I already fell once, and I'm almost positive it will not be the last time. I think my next purchase will be a pair of shoes that are a mix between wool insulated, really thick boots, and running spikes... I think that will do the trick...or these (see photo below)... I think these are the most beautiful boots I have ever layed my eyes on. Except for the fact that they are made from seals.

(first snow)

On the 14th of November, thanks to my second host dad, I got to go to the Cupfinale. Pretty much the Super Bowl of Norway fotball. The team from the area I live in was in it, but sadly they lost. It was fun though.

A couple of weekends ago, I traveled up north a little to Løten to see my friend Abby. We hung out around the city the first night, and ate dinner at Peppe's (an AMAZING pizza shop). Our entire goal during the dinner was to convince the waitress that we were Norwegian. Every time she came close to the table we would start talking Norwegian, which was basicly "I speak Norwegian" "I can't speak English" "I speak verry good Norwegian". We ended up sitting there for a REALLY long time waiting for our bill because we didn't know how to ask for the bill and we refused to blow our cover and ask in English. Finally after waiting for about an hour, and missing one of our busses home, we gave up and asked for the bill in English. I don't think she was too suprised that we didn't really speak Norwegian. The rest of the weekend we just chilled at her house, pigged out on cookies, candy, and smash (see below), and watched pretty much the entire 1st series of Criminal Minds, wich after that weekend it is now my favorite show!

(Abby and I with our gross fake teeth)

(view from the bus on the way home)

Also, I have been checking a lot off of my "Norway Checklist." I still haven't seen a seal though.. I might just have to settle for a photo with the seal boots.

I have gotten ontop of theCheck Spelling Oslo tiger:

I bought a REEALLLY expensive Mountain Dew to satisfy my cravings (it was 6 dollars)

I got a Norwegian sweater (hand knitted by my first "host grandma" shes a gem)

annnd took my first jump shot of my exchange year (they are a must for every exchange student)

well those are the happenings of the past month.



    "I speak Norwegian" "I can't speak English" "I speak verry good Norwegian".

    I wish I could actually show how hard I laughed when I read that in a better way than by stringing a's and h's together, but I can't, so that'll have to do

    nice blog post :D

  2. Hei Devin!(HI Devin)

    Fin blogg du har! Veldig morsom.(Nice blog you've made.It's really funny)

    Det du kan si er: "Unnskyld,kan jeg være så snill og få regningen? " (You can say: "Excuse me, may I have the check please.?")

    Eller:"Vi vil gjerne betale nå. Kan vi få regningen?"(Or: "We would like to pay now. may I have the check please.?")

    Neste gang får dere det til.Lykke til.(Next time you'll get it.Good luck)
