Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The dumb things I get myself into...

I've done quite a lot of dumb things while I have been in Norway. For intance, loosing my balance on a bus and falling into a random lady's stroller, missing the same bus 3 times in a row, multiple times of trying to trick Norwegians into thinking I speak Norwegian only to end up telling them "ummm... what did you say, I really don't speak Norwegian," and of course walking mindlessly in front of cars in Oslo, but out of all of those dumb experiences, what happened yesterday definitely tops all of them.
If you know me well, this story will make you laugh, because you can actually see me doing it, and know that its a typical "Devin thing to do." If you don't know me that well, or even at all, you will either 1. still think it's funny, or 2. think im a complete idiot. So, let the story begin:
Today my friend Sarah, from Australia, went back home. So I did what any friend would do, and went to the airport to see her off. I planned to go to school for a couple of classes, and then leave to go to the airport, but I ended up missing my bus, so I decided just to go straight to Oslo instead and get some things done, get some coffee, and then go to the airport. Don't you worry about the whole "skipping school" thing. While I sat and drank my coffee, I worked in my Norwegian workbook, and then drew a picture of a viking. That right there is about 10 times more than what I do on a typical day of school. After finishing my coffee and drawing, I started walking back to the opposite side of Oslo to catch the bus to the airport. It was actually really nice to walk thought the city by myself. The combination of a beautiful day, music playing in my ears, and a caffiene kick (it really gets to you when you have nothing to eat), made me come to the conclusion that I really do love it here. I love the city, I love the culture, I love the people, I'm so glad that I came to Norway, especially the Oslo area. I really like the city.

I arrived at the bus terminal, got on the bus, and then finally arrived at the airport. This, my friends, is where the "dumb" part of my story begins...

I realized once I got there that I didn't have a clue on where I was suppost to go. So I did what I always do, wander around acting like I know what I'm doing until I either 1. eventually accomplish what I set out to do, or 2. screw up and ask for help. I walked around most of the entrance to the airport and had no luck with finding Sarah. So I then went to the security entrance and told one of the ladies what I was trying to do, and then asked her if she thought I needed to go through security in order to see her. She told me I could do that but I couldnt get into the international fight section. So, thats what I did. I figured that's what everyone else did. So, I got through security, and then though a bunch of doors, all without a boarding pass or passp passport and continue walking until I get to an entrance where I need to show a passport in order to get passed. So there I stood, stuck, without a clue what to do, and no Sarah. I wandered around for a little bit more, and then realized that this was NOT where I was suppost to meet her. It was also getting to be a half hour before her plane left. I finally gave up, and started to walk back, not knowing exactly how I was going to get out. As I was walking back, to my supprize, I see Sarah and 3 other Australian exchange students walking twoards my direction. I was SO happy that I got to see them. They, on the other hand, were a bit shocked and confused as to why and how I got back there. So we talked (laughed at my stupidity) for a bit and decided on a plan of how I was going to try and get out, then we hugged, and said our goodbyes. The plan to get out went like this: I was to walk to the gaurds at the entrance to the terminals and say that I left my passport with my mom outside in the lobby. I'm entierly sure how my story was suppost to be plausible, but I tryed it anyways, they believed it, but it didn't work like I was planning it to. I was told to go back to a certain terminal and then take a set of stairs that led me to a hallway that led me to the baggage claim which led me to several more halways and FINALLY I was out. That was definitely not the sentimental goodbye that I was thinking it was going to be, but on the plus side, I was way to stressed and confused to be sad when I said goodbye. I guess I always tend to be the comic relief in most situations.

I take a bus, a train, and a 10 minute walk, and finally I got home. I then entertain my host family by telling them my story in Norwegian (and a bit of English).

So yes, that was my story, I hope you enjoyed it! :)

Here are some photo's from this past week:

(On our last "Oslo day" Sarah and I went to the Vigeland park)

(Sarah with her baby friend)

(when I was waiting for my bus after the Airport fiasco, I decided to take some photos of Oslo at night)

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