Wednesday, August 25, 2010

letter 3: One Week Down

Hei Hei,
A week and a half have passed, and I still love Norway!
School started on the 18th, and what a day that was. My host dad took me to school and went to a meeting with the assistant principal. It was pretty much a pointless meeting. He told me what grade and class I was in, and that was basicly it. I even have a schedule, and he didn't seem in a big rush to get me one (6 school days later, and I still don't have an official schedule yet). Since I didn't have a schedule, and everyone who could make me one was busy, I was sent home after spending only 2 hours at school. The next couple of days, I had to go into the assistant pricipal's office, so he could tell me which classes to go to that day (the school system is really screwy, i have different classes every day, and the class schedule changes each week). I don't understand anything thats going on in my classes. I sit there and try to pick out words I know, and doodle in a notebook. The first day, I got a headache from trying to understand all of the Norwegian. But things are getting better, I finally don't feel like an idiot everytime I walk into the school, and I'm starting to get more friends! Contrary to what I was told in every single orientation, everyone really doesn't want to try out their English on me. Most are actually afraid to speak English.
Last weekend I met up with another Rotary Exchnage student that lives in my district. Her name is Sarah and she's from Austrailia. We spent the day walking around Oslo. Sarah was the tour guide. It was the first time in a week that i could speak English, and not worry that the person I was talking to didn't understand what I said. I also tried "soft is" (pronounced: soft eeece) for the first time! Best soft served ice cream I've ever tasted in my life. It was fantastic! I reccomend flying to Norway and going to Oslo and eating soft is... it's worth it.
I'll leave you with some photos.
They are from different places I've went to in Oslo. The first two are from when my Host Grandma took me and Teodore to Hovedøya and island in the Oslo Fjords! The next two are from Vigeland Sculpture park in Oslo. Wenche, my host mom, took me and Teodor to it one evening before school started. The last photo is of Sarah and I when we had our adventures in Oslo!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Im going to stalk your blog now, you've attracted the attention of someone who asks too many questions!

    I agree about soft ic, det er så bra! kanskje jeg skal skrive til deg på norsk! hvis jeg dro til Oslo hvor er beste steder å besøke?
